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how to decrypt files from es file explorer

If you have locked out of es file explorer or you are not able to access your data as you forgot password by which you have encrypted your file. This blog will help you to recover your password of your precious data. I am going to to show how exactly you can get your file's password.

It took me about 48 hours to get what exactly the structure of ES File Explorer Encrypted File  (.es lock). ES File Explorer uses AES 256bit to encrypt your data but to increase efficiency of their algorithm in case when user enter wrong password while decryption they used  to store a MD5 check sum of password which actually is a foul.

So what i concluded out of that you can do a hack to gain password of any .eslock file which certainly works for every password of shorter length.

Step 1: Download now Es file Decrypter from below link.

step 2: Install and run Es file Decrypter.

Step 3: Keep your encrypted file internal storage.

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